How to leave a legacy/gift in your Will
Moorland hills, deep valleys, the pasture of upland farms, England’s highest cliffs, red deer, ponies. If, like us, you love Exmoor please help us keep it special for future generations by leaving us a gift in your Will.
As a charity, gifts in Wills represent a significant part of the funding we receive each year. They are what allow us to continue our work protecting and conserving Exmoor and to plan for the future. Large or small, legacies mean that we can address the important issues: campaign on matters affecting the national park, comment on planning applications, support Exmoor-centred research and work to engage local residents and visitors of all ages with Exmoor’s spectacular beauty and diverse wildlife.
Legacies we received from local supporters have been spent developing a programme for young naturalists. Nature education is the best way to get people to care about the environment and we have employed a part time member of staff to build a range of activities for families. They also helped us host both our 2023 Spring Conference on biodiversity, and Exmoor’s first ever Meadows Day.
To support us in your Will, we recommend speaking to your solicitor. Your solicitor will need our details, as follows:
The Exmoor Society – registered Charity number 1160912
If you have already made a Will, changes to it can quickly and easily be made. Speak to your solicitor for their advice.
If you have not made a Will before, our members have been offered a discounted rate by the solicitors TOZERS – there is more information about this below.
There are also two national will writing campaigns in the UK funded by larger charities which offer a special service to people wishing to leave money to charity. Solicitors who take part in these schemes offer reduced – and sometimes even free – will writing services.
Free Wills Month – available for those over the age of 55 –Free Wills Month – Your Will Helping Great Charities
Will Aid Month The charity Will writing scheme | Will Aid
If you would like to talk to us about the possibility of leaving the Exmoor Society a gift in your Will, please call us on 01398 323335 or e mail us at putting “legacy” in the subject line. All discussions are, of course, held in the strictest confidence.
We’re delighted to partner with the Exmoor Society to provide Will drafting services to members at a discounted rate.
Making a will
Nobody wants to think about a time when we’re no longer around or are unable to make decisions for ourselves. But planning ahead ensures you’re in a much stronger position if your situation changes.
We understand that everybody’s circumstances are different. We start by listening to what is important to you and use this to build your Will structure around your needs. We offer several Will pricing options based on what you need your Will to achieve. There is always an option which works for you.
It’s our role to make the process as straightforward as possible for you. We explain everything in plain English so that you have confidence in the plans you are putting in place.
Why Tozers?
Our team of legal experts are recognised as specialists in estate planning, so you can feel confident in your arrangements – with the peace of mind you’ve done what you can to secure the future for yourself and your loved ones.
As a member of Exmoor Society, we are happy to offer you a discount of 20% on our Simple and Classic Wills packages.
To take advantage of this offer and to find out more about Tozers, get in touch with their wills and probate specialists by clicking below: