Exmoor is one of the most beautiful and precious landscapes in England and, as its friends and supporters, we take action to protect and conserve the Exmoor National Park for the benefit of visitors, local communities, landscapes, wildlife and habitats and cultural heritage.
Protecting Exmoor
We work to secure what is unique about Exmoor: its heaths and grass moors, spectacular coast, woodlands, streams and rivers, its uncluttered skylines and its peace and tranquillity and wildness.
Enjoying Exmoor
We work to help everyone appreciate the wonder the park can offer, organising activities that encourage visitors and locals alike to enjoy it in as many ways as possible.
Understanding Exmoor
We work to ensure that people have an understanding of how Exmoor’s landscapes have been shaped and the pressures that continue to form them. Our research and reports, our meetings and our conferences, study the many faces of the park. Through our publications and archive and our awards for conservation and literary and photographic work, we develop and share a deeper appreciation of Exmoor.
Supporting Exmoor
We work to support the life on Exmoor and the life of upland family farms who play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing Exmoor’s assets. We support tourism at sustainable levels, local employment and business and thriving villages with housing, schools and services that attract and encourage visitors. We cooperate and connect with other organisations and lobby locally and nationally, working in partnership to achieve our aims.