Kate is passionate about Exmoor. Her background is in television where she worked for the science department at the BBC as a director on Tomorrow’s World and then as a producer on the series Horizon. She also worked in management at the BBC, at BBC films and as head of science for a couple of independent companies: RDF television and KEO films.
“Chairing the Exmoor Society is a great honour and, even in the relatively short time I have been in post, completely fascinating. As a local charity, or vital concern is the immediate area, but we are responding to national and often global forces. We want Exmoor’s various sides to work together for the good of the whole, to reconcile what can be seen as opposites: farming and nature, the economy and the environment, visitors and wildness, and we make a real difference! So we will continue to do what we do so well, using our trustees’ expertise for our research into the Exmoor environment, the Review, our conference, and the incredibly popular walks programme – but we have lots of plans for more talks, debates, events, and even campaigns.
We will continue to work closely with Exmoor National park Authority in our role as “critical friend” but we are going to develop our relationship with conservation charities and other local groups so that we can influence decisions that are made about Exmoor.”